Top Five Quick Movement Ideas From Internal Balance
Recently on Instagram, I asked people to post their ideas of movement for a chance to win Top Five Quick Movement Ideas From Internal Balance. I had such fun making this list that I thought I would share with everyone. Enjoy your movement and remember to have Fun!
Top Five Quick Movement Ideas From Internal Balance
The brain functions better with increased blood flow. It takes only one to two minutes of movement after a period of rest to increase energy and motivation.
1. Butterfly cross over breath
Stand with feet hip distance apart and arms out at shoulder height
Exhale and lift left knee to right elbow
Return to starting position while inhaling
Exhale and lift right knee to left elbow
Repeat for desire amount of time and can be done faster for more intensity
Any exercise that involves crossing over the midline stimulates the brain and encourages right and left-brain communication.
2. Hallelujah (best done in a group, flash mob style or totally on your own;)
Swing arms to the right above the head while side stepping to the right and crossing left foot behind right.
Swing arms to the left above the head while side stepping to the left while crossing right foot behind left.
Yell hallelujah with each side change or just focus on breath
Can be done faster for more intensity as well as with arms down moving side to side, speed skater style
Any exercise that also makes you smile has double the benefits for increasing energy, positive mood and endorphins
3. Forward fold
Deep breath in while raising arms up to the sky
Exhale and bend forward, bringing hands towards the floor
Can have legs straight or slightly bent but do not lock your knees
Inhale as you roll up slowly
Try shift weight from one foot to the other while in forward fold to add movement to the backs of the legs
Forward fold can bring blood supply back to the brain and stimulate clear thinking
4. Raise the roof
March on the spot
Push palms up towards the roof from resting on top of shoulders
You can make this hard by marching faster or lifting knees higher
For added challenge, hold on to a water bottle or another light object in your hands while raising the roof
Double the benefits with a smile
5. Alternating kicks
Alternate right leg kick then left leg kick
Can add alternate arm punches at the same time (right kick with left punch)
If space allows, you can try kicking out to the side but watch that you are using leg muscle not overusing back muscles. Be aware of the messages that your body is sending you
Challenging yourself with coordinated movements with right and left side of the body can wake up the brain