Nip that Bug in the Butt
Scratchy Throat? Sniffly Nose?
Have the necessary tools on hand so you don’t have to suffer this flu season!
Many times over the winter season I have been asked what supplements I take to keep my family well. Here are some of my tried and tested supplements for the cold and flu season:
Echinacea. My favourite is either A’Vogel Echinaforce (Junior for kids or Extra strength for adults) or an elderberry hot drink to sooth a scratchy throat.
Deep Immune for Kids seems to give the kids a great immune boost. Mix with a little smoothie or honey as this one has a herb taste. I only use this one during the day as it is a vital tonic which can be stimulating for some children.
Vitamin C- this can be chewable for the kids and capsules or powder for the adults. If you are fighting something, your body burns thru an amazing amount of Vitamin C. If you are stressed, Vitamin C can help support the adrenal glands. For kids I suggest at least 500mg per day throughout winter. For adults 1000mg-6000mg per day. Don’t start at a high dose because too much vitamin C can act as a laxative. You can also use Ener C packages which give an added energy boost, and encourage you to drink more water. Making these into a warm drink is perfect on a cool afternoon.
Immune Health By Orange I use this one at the slightest sign of a cold coming on or if I am around a lot of sick people. If you prefer a capsule, I like Oregano-8 which gives you the benifits of oregano without the burn that some people don’t enjoy (personally, I like a little oregano burn).
Cold Storm. For some reason this one doesn't agree with my system but my husband loves it. Warning- very flavourful!
Probiotics. 70% of our immune system is in our gut. If our gut isn’t supported then our immunity doesn’t stand a chance. I like New Roots Acidophilus Ultra for regular support. If you have digestive issues or immune challenges or have recently been on antibiotics I recommend Health First Probiotic Supreme
Vitamin D. Kids and adults should take at least 1000IU. I use drops because then I can easily dose higher as needed. The past 3 years has shown that Vitamin D is crutial to our immune systems and that many people in Canada are very low in Vitamin D.
Tummy Trouble- Seems many people this year have been hit by the stomach flu. Silver Water or Activated Charcoal can help reduce or eliminate time spent hunched over the toliet. Silver water is safe for children as well. It is almost flavourless and can be added to water if needed.
Lifestyle hacks when your sick-
Sleep, rest and drink fluids (yes, I am sure your mom told you the same thing:)
Avoid sugar as much as possible (honey doesn’t count if you’re taking it for a cough). Sugar feeds the bacteria and can prolong your illness.
Oregano oil on the feet can help draw out congestion. This can be done for kids too! Throw a pair of wool socks over top.
Elevate the top of the bed when there is a head full of boogers.
Honey straight on the spoon works very well for coughing fits in the night.
Lavender essential oil can calm coughs and assist with sleep. Lavender oil can be used on the chest, feet or back. You can use it straight or add it to a carrier oil (like coconut oil).
I hope this helps keep you and your family well this season!
Have a happy and healthy winter!