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Healthy Weight for Life - Facebook Group


Do you want to change your body? Do you want to release old habits and extra weight for good?
This group is a judgement free support resource for anyone looking to change their body.
Success comes from small sustainable changes and also from a supportive community. We can be that for you! 
As a nutritionist, I will offer:
*Tips and tools to get food that will feed your body in all the right ways
*Ideas and motivation for movement 
*Lifestyle tools to make your journey as smooth as possible

Being part of this group for FREE, you get :
*Access to my eBook for weight loss.…/registered-holistic-n…/
*Recipes and menu ideas
*Workout, movement and relaxation suggestions
*First hand support to do a pre-summer cleanse (optional)

The only thing that I ask from you is that you commit to be the best that you can be. 
I ask you to be honest, patient and kind to others and most of all, to YOURSELF!

What do you think? Are you on board for a better you??

Get started Now


May 9-19- Getting prepared. I will guide you through what you need to prepare yourself for our wellness journey. I also will discuss more about the controversy of cleansing: 'Is cleansing really necessary?'

May 19-24 - Introductions (if you choose to participate) – This is optional and if you choose to be part of the group and not interact in posts or discussion, that is totally okay!

May 24– Start our group cleanse. The goal is to do at least 12-14 days of cleansing. It is your choice how strict you choose to be. It is also your choice if you want to use a cleanse kit (I will explain more about this later) or cleanse using food only (still very effective).

May 24- June 4(or longer)- Cleansing period that includes motivation, tips, recipes and movement ideas.

June 4- June 11-Fitness focus. We will focus on fitness and movement. This week will include fitness ideas, tricks to get you motivated and resources for your unique fitness level.

If you joined the group for our winter cleanse, this is a chance to refresh and recharge. There will be some new ideas and lots of great reminders.
If you are new to the group, you can jump right in from wherever you are at. I will be making lots of suggestions for modifying the program to make it fit every lifestyle and life stage.

If you are on medication of any kind or have any diagnosed health conditions, please consult with your family physician or naturopath before undertaking any major lifestyle, eating or movement changes. You can also send me an email if you have any concerns at

Let’s get ready for the adventure!! Get started Now

Call or email me for more information.

Earlier Event: April 26
Aging Gracefully - ONLINE
Later Event: May 22
Free 30 Minute Wellness Sessions